Friday, June 3, 2011

Research Reading List

I made a list of the books that I plan to utilize for my research paper this week. Here they are, in no particular order...

Anatomy of Inculturation


Christianity Through Non-Christian Eyes

Understanding Folk Religion

Culture, Communication, and Christianity

Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism

Christianity in the Non-Western World

Liberating News

Missions in the Third Millennium

Christianity in Culture

Anthropological Reflections on Missiological Issues

Tell It Well

Models of Contextual Theology

Jesus: A New Vision

Dictionary of Mission Theology

The New Faces of Christianity

The Changing Face of World Missions


Cultural Anthropology

Anthropological Insight for Missionaries

The Next Christendom

The Local Church in a Global Era

The New Global Mission

The Bible in a World Context

Transforming Worldviews

Contextualization in the New Testament

Jesus is Global Contexts

Unexpected News: Reading the Bible with Third World Eyes

Reading the Bible from the Margins

The World is Too Much With Us

The Gospel in Human Contexts

A History of Christianity in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, 1450-1990

Theology in the Context of World Christianity

So if anyone is wondering where I am, this pile probably fell on top of me and I can't get out. Bring me food.

1 comment:

  1. lol!!! suck dude... i'll deliver for ya buddy, just keep your phone on you and text me requests...
