Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Finding a Pursuit of God

A friend posted a quote that he had heard in a lecture from the Bible Study Fellowship:
"It is cool in our culture to be looking for God. It is not cool, however, to find Him."
Setting aside the statement's assumption of a normative (assumingly North American) cultural value in seeking spiritual enlightenment, the issue centers on a post-modern understanding of whether any declarative statement can be made about anything.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A new week

3 weeks and $3400 later, my truck is ready to come back home!

(This is a follow-up to last week's blog about my week which, for lack of better descriptors, sucked.)

No more waking up Dayann early to take me to work or having to ride Brother Joel's bicycle:

He is a bigger man than me in so many ways…

To help us along with some finances, my folks sent us a check. A bit of unintended irony from my dad is that he also sent a copy of NT Wright's book, "Following Jesus". I had been wanting to read this for a while and I had talked to dad about it when we were home in December. We have enjoyed reading Wright and I was looking for a book on discipleship that would not be as heavy as the bishop's heavier tomes. If you have an interest in a thinking-man's theology, you must be conversant with Wright, and if your critique of NT Wright is that he is not John Piper...get over yourself.

I had prayed last week, in the midst of our financial calamity, that I might have the opportunity to depend more deeply upon grace. It is of divine coincidence that the book I receive in the mail is centered upon discipleship.

My prayer:

"Open wide my door, my Lord, to whatever makes me love You more..."